Equipment Catalogue
Ashby Grab Bar angled (white)

Where to buy

Gordon Ellis
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This is a high quality, tough, all-plastic grab rail. It is an attractive rail, purpose-designed for elderly and disabled people. Never cold to touch it is ribbed and textured for extra grip. The angled grab bar is ideal by the toilet. The unique design enables the forearm to be used to assist in rising and lowering. Grip 45x25. Angled Grab Bar 33cmHelp with fitting
Help from a qualified fitter
If the products you are ordering are fixed to the wall or floor, we recommend that you contact a local fitter/handyman to complete this work. It is always a good idea to use someone who has been recommended to you.
How to fix your rails safely
We recommend that you ask a qualified joiner and/or plumber to fit grab rails in your home, depending on where you are fitting this. Discuss what position will help you most with your fitter. The fitters will know whether you have a solid or stud wall and fit the rail appropriately. Please ensure that any grab rail you use is fitted according to the manufacturer’s instructions as there are safety standards that need to be taken in to account.
Fitting and positioning your grab rail
Please click on the link to see the document.