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Grip and wrist Strengthener
This exercise requires a resistance band, which you can purchase from most reputable online and high street sports shops and catalogue retailers. Alternatively you could try using a pair of tights.
This exercise can make it easier to open jars and hold things without dropping them.
- Fold or roll your band into a tube shape.
- Sit or stand tall.
- Squeeze and twist your resistance band, holding for a slow count of 5, then release.
- Repeat this exercise 6-8 times.
Aim to do it every other day. Maintain normal breathing, completely rest after each squeeze and build to a max of a 5 second squeeze.
You take responsibility for your own exercise programme. All content should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your G.P. or any other health care professional. Please ensure you take all steps to ensure your personal safety and to minimise any risk while doing the exercises.
Individuals using these exercises do so at their own risk.