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Funeral Support Payment

The Scottish Social Security Agency has launched the Funeral Support Payment, a one-off payment that provides people on low income benefits with a contribution towards the cost of a funeral. It replaces the Department for Work and Pensions Funeral Expense Payment in Scotland.

The Funeral Support Payment will introduce a new 'nearest relative' eligibility test, along with a more sensitive assessment to determine who is responsible for the funeral cost payments. This will widen eligibility for the payment by around 40%, to help reach an estimated 5000 people each year. The payment will speed up our processing times for completed applications once all the required evidence has been received, and annually reviewing and updating the flat rate element will take account of inflation.

To apply, visit www.mygov.scot/funeral-support-payment, or call the Freephone helpline on 0800 182 2222. The helpline is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.

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