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If you already have a caring plan in place you may also want to consider the following

If you already have a plan in place then make sure you keep this up to date and share it regularly with the people who support you in your caring role. If you haven't got an emergency plan in place we would recommend completing the emergency planning toolkit (separate PDF attached to this message).

You could also consider an Anticipatory Care Plan for the person you care for. If you feel you would like more information, advice or support with these plans then there are two carers organisations in your area who can help; Carers Together and Lanarkshire Carers.

Contact Information:

Organisation: Carers Together

Email: enquiries@carerstogether.org

Phone: 01698 404055

Organisation: Lanarkshire Carers

Email: info@prtlcc.org.uk

Phone: 01698 428090

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