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Advice if your caring role is affecting your relationship with the person you care for

Caring for someone can bring you closer to them. On the other hand it can take up lots of your time and can lead to increased tension between you and them, and other family members.

The first step in helping you all to cope with this change in relationship dynamics is to acknowledge that there is an issue and begin to speak to the right people to work through the issues. It is important to know that you are not alone. If you would like support to help work through some of your concerns as a carer, and work towards positive outcomes, then contact Lanarkshire Carers to speak with a carer support worker. They can offer advice and time, and will listen to you to help work through any relationship difficulties. We understand some difficulties can come from not having the relevant training to support you in your caring role. Lanarkshire Carers in conjunction with other organisations can provide you with the relevant training to help you manage your caring role, whilst looking after your own health and well-being, which can reduce tension and improve your relationships with everyone involved.

Contact Information:

Organisation: Lanarkshire Carers

Website: www.prtlcc.org.uk

Phone: 01236 755550

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