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Help and advice on how to share your caring role if you are an unpaid carer

Being an unpaid carer is a very unique role and you probably know more about the person you care for than anyone else. Sometimes it’s difficult to be confident that someone else will do as good a job as you at looking after the person you care for. It is perfectly ok to ask for help sometimes, after all that’s why carers organisations exist!

There are many resources and services available that can help you have the important conversations with wider family members and services to ensure that any replacement care arrangements will be suitable and of benefit to you and the person you look after. You may not have considered the extent of your caring role and the effect it may be having on your own life.

Please read and fill out the Emergency Planning Toolkit document (separate PDF attached to this message), so that you have documented the details of your caring role, and also the people and services that support you in your role. This document can then be used to help others understand the requirements of your caring role and how best to support you in your role. For more information or guidance with this, contact Enable Scotland using the details below.

Contact Information:

Organisation: Enable Scotland

WebsiteEnable Scotland

Phone: 01698 737000

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