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Symptoms of fussy eating

Your child may display some or all of the following symptoms if they are a fussy eater:

  • Only eating the same foods.
  • Meal times are a constant battle.
  • Chaos at meal times.
  • Only eating pureed food (they are still on first stage baby jars, pouches and yogurts).
  • Gagging on food, this is often due to new foods.
  • Only eating food of certain colours or textures, this could be smooth, crunchy, spicy or strong flavours.
  • Drinking too much which fills them up.

For hints and tips on how to overcome fussy eating, select the back arrow above, then select 'Children and Eating' > 'Fussy Eaters' > 'Ideas to help' > 'How to tackle Fussy Eating'.

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