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Causes of fussy eating

Fussy eating is a normal phase of development between 1 - 3 years of age. Some causes of fussy eating could be:

  • Over cleaning the child while eating. Wipes can leave a taste on their hands and mouth which can affect the taste of their food. Children don't like being wiped and this may put them off.
  • Eating in front of the TV is a distraction.
  • If you provide an alternative option every time a child refuses to eat something, they will learn to keep doing it and only eat what they want to eat.
  • Portions which are too large can be off-putting.
  • Giving children over the age of 1 bottles of milk or juice at night can reduce their appetite during the day.
  • Comfort breast feeding throughout both the day and night may reduce their appetite.
  • Prolonged meal times should be avoided.
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