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Eye Tests for the Visually Impaired

Regular eye tests detect any issues with your vision and if necessary your Optomotrist will refer you to an eye specialist called an Ophthalmologist. Your Ophthamologist  will diagnose your condition and advise of treatments. If your sight loss is at a particular level you may meet the criteria for certification as sight impaired or severely sight impaired. Only your Ophthalmologist in the hospital can determine this. 

For further information, contact a Rehabilitation and Mobility Officer at your local Social Work Office.

Airdrie Sensory Impairment  

Email: AirdrieSensoryImpairment@northlan.gov.uk 

Tel: 01236 856000 

Coatbridge Sensory Impairment  

Email: CoatbridgeSensoryImpairment@northlan.gov.uk 

Tel: 01236 856110 

Cumbernauld Sensory Impairment  

Email: CumbernauldSensoryImpairment@northlan.gov.uk 

Tel: 01236 856170 

Bellshill Sensory Impairment  

Email: BellshillSensoryImpairment@northlan.gov.uk 

Tel: 01698 403520 

Motherwell Sensory Impairment  

Email: MotherwellSensoryImpairment@northlan.gov.uk 

Tel: 01698 274470 

Wishaw Sensory Impairment  

Email: WishawSensoryImpairment@Northlan.gov.uk 

Tel: 01698 274430 

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