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Wall press with tricep focus
This exercise works the arm muscles needed for pushing.
- Place your hands on the wall at chest height and have your feet hip-width apart.
- Walk your feet backwards several inches, so you feel your body weight in your arms, but keep your heels on the floor.
- Pull your tummy muscles in to prevent your lower back from arching.
- Now lower your body towards the wall by bending your elbows, then press firmly against the wall to return to the start position.
Each repetition should be controlled, taking about 4 to 6 seconds, so that the muscles are worked properly.
Aim for 6 to 8 repetitions, every other day.
As you get accustomed to this exercise, you can have your feet further from the wall to make it more challenging.
In time, also progress the number of repetitions up to 15, which will build up the stamina needed for heavy housework.
You take responsibility for your own exercise programme. All content should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your G.P. or any other health care professional. Please ensure you take all steps to ensure your personal safety and to minimise any risk while doing the exercises.
Individuals using these exercises do so at their own risk.