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Support available for those with epilepsy
The following organizations can provide help and support to people in North Lanarkshire.
Epilepsy Scotland works with people living with epilepsy to ensure their voice is heard. They campaign for improved healthcare, better information provision and an end to stigmatisation. They represent nearly 40,000 Scots with epilepsy, as well as their families and carers. Services include:
- relevant literature and information on epilepsy
- a video library
- an interactive web site
- a freephone Helpline.
They also provide training courses in epilepsy management, along with information evenings across Scotland and a community support service for adults with epilepsy and additional community care needs. There is also a network of support groups, which you can get in contact with by using the information below.
Contact information
Helpline: 0808 800 2200
Epilepsy Connections provides community-based support, education and training to people living with epilepsy in the Greater Glasgow and Forth Valley areas. Services include:
- epilepsy information
- fieldwork support
- befriending
- epilepsy awareness training
- epilepsy education programmes for schools
- Living Well with Epilepsy workshops
- support for adults isolated by epilepsy to get back to training or work
- bi-lingual, culturally sensitive support to people living with epilepsy in BME communities
The Glasgow office can be contacted on 0141 248 4125. Alternatively, you can visit Epilepsy Connections' website by following the link
Quarriers have epilepsy fieldworkers in Grampian, Fife and Lanarkshire. Epilepsy fieldworkers provide local information and support to anyone affected by epilepsy.
The Lanarkshire fieldworker is Helen McDonald, who can be contacted by phoning on 0141 779 4844. You can also visit the Quarriers website by following the link