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Groups that support and advise carers

North Lanarkshire Carers Together is an organisation that represents carers interests, and works to improve the quality of their lives. Membership is available to anyone in North Lanarkshire who is a carer in any capacity.

The group is based in Motherwell and if you'd like to get in contact, please phone 01698 404055 for further information.

The Parkinsons Self Help Group (PSHG) provides people with Parkinson’s, as well as their carer’s and families, with information and advice on all aspects of living with their condition to improve their quality of life. They do this through friendship, encouragement and social activities.

For more information, please phone on 01236 766350 or visit their website by following the link: www.parkinsonselfhelp.org.uk/.

Dementia Café is a free café where you can meet people and access information and support. For more information, please contact Alzheimer Scotland by using the following details.

Contact information
01698 275300

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