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Sit to stand
Make sure that you are warm before performing this exercise.
- Sit tall near the front of a sturdy chair and place your feet slightly back.
- Lean forwards with a straight back, then stand up by pushing strongly down into your feet (using your hands on the chair as well if needed).
- Once fully standing, step back until your legs touch the chair, then slowly lower your bottom back down, without dropping the last few inches.
- Repeat 3 to 4 times.
You should aim to do this exercise every other day.
As you get stronger, perform more repetitions (up to 8) and go slower when lowering yourself down into the chair.
If you find it difficult to manage one repetition without a great deal of effort, try finding a higher chair which will be easier to get out of, or put a firm cushion under your bottom.
You take responsibility for your own exercise programme. All content should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your G.P. or any other health care professional. Please ensure you take all steps to ensure your personal safety and to minimise any risk while doing the exercises.
Individuals using these exercises do so at their own risk.