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NL Leisure's Active Health Programme, in partnership with NHS Lanarkshire, provides a range of supported programmes to help individuals realise the benefits of becoming more physically active and also assisting those who are recovering from minor or serious illness.
The programmes are aimed at individuals who would benefit from a reduction in sedentary behaviour, increase in physical activity or who need more specific support in taking part in physical activity sessions due to a particular health issue.
For more information please visit: www.activenl.co.uk/active-health or contact:
Melanie Menzies
Health & Wellbeing Manager
Tel: 01236 341709
Email: menziesmel@northlan.gov.uk
You have answered that you drink alcohol every day, or that your family/friends are concerned about the amount you drink. Alcohol counselling team can help. Their aim is to limit the damaging effects of alcohol to the individual experiencing difficulty and to their families. This service is customised to individual needs offering both harm-reduction and abstinence based work.
Contact Information:
Phone: 01236 423900
Alzheimer Scotland is Scotland’s national dementia charity. Their aim is to make sure nobody faces dementia alone.
They provide information and support to people who are worried about their memory and for everyone living with dementia and their families, including the following services:
- Information
- Advice
- Support
- Carer education
- Outreach support
Contact Information:
Organisation: Alzheimer Scotland
Address: 64 Dalziel Street, Motherwell, ML1 1PJ
Email: LanarkshireServices@alzscot.org
Phone: 01698 275300
Associated materials
The community alarm service helps people living in North Lanarkshire who need some extra support to stay in their own homes with the security of knowing that they can call for help in an emergency, such as a fall or an illness, at any time of the day or night.
For more information please visit: www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/adults/community-alarm-service.
Whatever your eye problem your first port of call should be an optometrist (optician). An optometrist is the best person to assess urgent eye problems, check for eye disorders and treat eye conditions. They have the professional training and necessary equipment to assess most eye problems.
Community optometry practices (opticians) have resumed providing routine eye care services in all settings. This includes regular eye examinations and contact lens check-ups.
You can self-present to any community optometrist in Lanarkshire although it is advised that you call first to arrange an appointment to allow the practice to comply with safe distancing regulations. In some cases you can be offered advice by telephone, or you book into a practice to be seen.
All practices are able to manage a wide range of conditions. Some practices will have a prescribing optometrist available allowing for more complex treatments to be offered.
Most optometrists are part of the Lanarkshire Eye-health Network Scheme (LENS). The optometrists who are part of the LENS can offer an appointment and assessment service for any concerns you may have.
For more information please visit: www.nhslanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk/community-optician.
Associated materials
Alzheimer's Scotland provides advice and support to people with dementia and their carers, they also provide carer education and outreach support.
Contact Information:
Organisation: Alzheimer's Scotland
Address: 64 Dalziel Street, Motherwell, ML1 1PJ
Website: www.alzscot.org/
Email: LanarkshireServices@alzscot.org
Phone: 01698 275300
The living well with Dementia Café has now been up and running since August 2011 and regularly gets up to 50 people attending. It is aimed at those with dementia as well as those with memory concerns. It provides an informal and relaxed environment where people who have a diagnosis of dementia, as well as those worried about their memory, their carers, and informal care givers, can ask questions and get information and advice from health professionals about any memory issues they may have.
We want to reduce the stigma of a dementia diagnosis and give those with dementia – and other memory problems – their families, and informal carers, a place where they can gather, share their experiences and get some practical support in a friendly setting. Visitors will be able to pop into the cafe at their leisure and speak informally to a wide range of professionals and discuss all aspects of memory problems and get signposted to relevant services.
The cafe is open from 1pm to 4pm in Motherwell Football Club’s Centenary Suite on the first Friday of every month.
Contact Information:
Organisation: Dementia Cafe
Address: Centenary Suite, Motherwell Football Club, Fir Park Stadium, Firpark Street, Motherwell, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, ML1 2QN
Email: DementiaCafe.Motherwell@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk
Phone: 01698 269649
The Dementia Research Group is one of the UK's centres for clinical research into dementia. It is based at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, which is the lead centre for trialling new drugs to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease (which causes the majority of dementia).
For further information, please visit their website by following the link: www.ucl.ac.uk/drc/.
A disabled persons railcard can get 1/3 off adult rail fares for travel on the National Rail network in Great Britain.
If you're travelling with another adult they will also get 1/3 off their rail fare, so you can save money for a friend or family member too!
There are no time restrictions on the Disabled Persons Railcard, so you can use it to get a discount on tickets at any time of the day.
For more information visit: www.disabledpersons-railcard.co.uk/
You can obtain independent energy saving advice from the Energy Saving Trust Scotland. You may also find the Home Energy Efficiency Programme for Scotland (also known as HEEPS) helpful. More information on this can be found on the Energy Saving Trust website under the Home Energy Scotland tab. This is the new Scottish Government initiative to tackle fuel poverty and increase energy efficiency in homes.
Contact Information:
Organisation: Energy Saving Trust Scotland
Website: www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/
Phone: 0800 512 012
Featured Local Information
North Lanarkshire Council Digital Zone consultation
We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas for our new Digital Zone Pilot. Our vision is to establish world-class digital facilities that help everyone in our community improve their digital skills and get involved online.
Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey about your digital needs and preferences for the new digital zones . This consultation will close on Friday the 13th of December, 2024.
Contacting adult social care services in North Lanarkshire
The following website has a form for contacting North Lanarkshire Council about adult social care services.
North Lanarkshire Council website: Contacting adult social care services
Energy Grants & Housing Support Services
Energy Grants and Payments PDF
North Lanarkshire Council Housing Support Services PDF
Assistive Technology Flat demonstration video
A video about the new Tech Flat, which has a range of assistive technology available.
Assistive Technology Flat demonstration video
Assistive technology catalogue
Lanarkshire Macmillan
Virtual & telephone support service, along with cancer packs service, available for people affected by cancer in Lanarkshire.
"We’re still here for you"
Lanarkshire Macmillan information
Alzheimer Scotland
Alzheimer Scotland is Scotland’s national dementia charity. Their aim is to make sure nobody faces dementia alone. They provide information and support to people who are worried about their memory and for everyone living with dementia and their families.
Alzheimer Scotland - What's Online? PDF
Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Rights PDF
Lanarkshire Mind Matters

Active Outdoors North Lanarkshire
Your guide to parks, green spaces and nature.
A Local Information System for Scotland enabling people to find and share information on resources, services, groups and support in their local communities and online.
For more information visit: https://www.aliss.org/
New online debt system launched

An online form is now available for anyone who needs debt advice. Residents can make a request online, any time that suits day or night.
The form is part of a new system for managing the council's debt advice service and provides a confidential, accessible way to digitally sign required paperwork upload evidence and receive correspondence.
To complete the form, residents must use a MyAccount, which is quick and easy to set up and allows residents to access a number of services including reporting a housing or bin issue, paying Council Tax and booking a special uplift.
For more information visit the debt and advice page: https://www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/benefits-and-money/debt-advice
NHS Lanarkshire - "Practical Tips to help my memory" booklet
If you have a problem with your memory it can have an impact on your ability to do everyday tasks. If you follow helpful habits and routines this may minimise the impact of your memory impairment. This booklet is designed by Occupational Therapists to illustrate some practical strategies that you might find helpful.
Practical Tips to help my memory PDF
What do you want for tea? booklet
Quick and easy recipes to support you to eat well at home.
Aura in North Lanarkshire
Aura is a new service, supporting people affected by domestic abuse across North Lanarkshire.
Your Health
This section provides a range of local services and well-being information for you to find advice or seek further assistance to support your health.
Am I a Carer?
Take our quiz to see if you are a carer