Local Information
Addictions - Local information
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There are many self help groups in Lanarkshire which may be able to help you to stop drinking or taking drugs such as 'Narcotics Anonymous' www.ukna.org, 'Alcoholics Anonymous' www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk, 'Cocaine Anonymous' www.cauk.org.uk/index.asp or 'Smart Recovery' www.smartrecovery.org.uk. You can also visit Cocaine Anonymous in Scotland via their website www.cascotland.org.uk and contact telephone number 0141 959 6363. Research tells us that people who attend mutual aid groups like these can benefit a great deal, particularly in the first few months after stopping.
The Barnardo's Axis Lanarkshire service supports those affected by personal, adult or parental substance misuse. The service provides support from ages 14 to 21, and for care leavers up to the age of 26. Advice and information is available on the impact of high risk behaviours such as drug or alcohol misuse, violence and domestic abuse. Intervention and treatment services can be accessed, along with 1 to 1 and peer support.
Contact Information:
Organisation: Barnardo's Axis Lanarkshire
Address: Barnardo's Axis Lanarkshire Suite T, Town Hall Business Centre 1-11, High Road, Motherwell, Lanarkshire, ML1 3HU
Website: www.barnardos.org.uk
Phone: 01698 262443 Extension 2
Associated materials
Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances. There are no dues or fees for membership; we are fully self supporting through our own contributions. We are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation, or institution. We do not wish to engage in any controversy and we neither endorse nor oppose any causes.
Our primary purpose is to stay free from cocaine and all other mind-altering substances, and to help others achieve the same freedom. We use the Twelve Step Recovery Program, because it has already been proven that the Twelve Step Recovery Program works.
For more information and to seek support, use the contact details below. The Cocaine Anonymous UK Helpline is answered 10am - 10pm every day.
Contact Information:
Organisation: Cocaine Anonymous
Website: www.cocaineanonymous.org.uk
Email: helpline@cauk.org.uk
Phone: 0300 111 2285 or 0800 612 0225
'Expeerience Counts' Peer Support Workers will create an environment which empowers people to take control of their own recovery. Peer Support workers will support people to develop their own individualised recovery action plans and work towards personal goals over a period of around 6 months.
Another aspect to the 'Expeerience Counts' service is that Community Link workers will link individuals into their local communities and can also offer support to anyone wishing to access North Lanarkshire's 'Well Connected' Domains.
Contact Information:
Organisation: Expeerience Counts
Email: expeeriencecounts@samh.org.uk
Phone (Motherwell): 01698 265 659
Phone (Airdrie): 01236 439417
Associated materials
'Fast Forward' is a website for young people aimed at promoting health and well-being, through education. As part of the Scottish Government’s national youth work strategy, 'Fast Forward' is also co-ordinating the 'Scottish Peer Education Network' (SPEN) and promoting and supporting peer education across Scotland.
Contact Information:
Organisation: Fast Forward
Website: www.fastforward.org.uk
Email: admin@fastforward.org.uk
Phone: 0131 554 4300
If gambling is causing you problems and you need to talk to someone. There are groups of people who would be able to support you. Talking to other who experience the same things in their lives in incredibly helpful as it can help you to see that you are not alone.
There is no discrimination, gambling affects people from all walks of life, doctors, bricklayers, lawyers, office workers. You are not the only person affected.
Gamblers Anonymous Scotland is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. It is common to be afraid or too proud to admit there is a problem, you may think you can overcome gambling by yourself.
There are no dues or fees for Gamblers Anonymous.
For more information or to ask for support visit http://gascotland.org
Gambling Education Hub is a Fast Forward programme that exists to support young people’s health and well-being by promoting gambling education and prevention across Scotland.
Please view the attached document or visit https://gamblingeducationhub.fastforward.org.uk for more information.
Associated materials
The Harm Reduction Team is based in Coathill Hospital as part of the Coatbridge Social Work Locality, covering both North and South Lanarkshire. They provide services in clinics and satellite services across Lanarkshire.
Their philosophy is based firmly within a harm reduction and risk minimisation approach. This seeks first to reduce drug related harm, for example through providing clean injecting equipment (Needle Exchange Service) which may result in reduced drug use.
We aim to achieve a significant reduction in drug related deaths and reduce the sharing of injecting equipment.
This should result in reducing levels of blood borne virus infection, an improvement in personal health of drug users and improved general public health across North and South Lanarkshire.
The Harm Reduction service is open to anyone with a drug or alcohol problem, their family members or the wider community.
To find out clinic times, dates and opening hours by phoning any of the contact numbers below. Then simply walk in, drop in without the need for an appointment.
Our main office (non clinical) base is at:
Harm Reduction Team
Glen Nevis Unit
Coathill Hospital
Hospital Street
Phone: 01236 707738
Fax: 01236 707776
For Outreach contact:
North: 0781 0153940
South: 0788 4454961
NHS Inform provide information and support on drinking and alcohol through their 'healthy-living' section online. For more information, please visit www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/alcohol.
Taking drugs socially or infrequently does not mean that you are at any less risk of serious harm to your physical and mental health. If you are using drugs for enjoyment your physical and mental health will begin to be affected.
KFx provide drugs education resources, training and other tools to help people who use drugs, people who work with drug users and their families and friends. All the resources on the website are free of charge. KFx are independent of Government, industry, lobby groups (either pro or anti drugs) and operate without fear or favour.
Contact information:
Organisation: KFx
Website: www.kfx.org.uk
Featured Local Information
North Lanarkshire Council Digital Zone consultation
We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas for our new Digital Zone Pilot. Our vision is to establish world-class digital facilities that help everyone in our community improve their digital skills and get involved online.
Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey about your digital needs and preferences for the new digital zones . This consultation will close on Friday the 13th of December, 2024.
Contacting adult social care services in North Lanarkshire
The following website has a form for contacting North Lanarkshire Council about adult social care services.
North Lanarkshire Council website: Contacting adult social care services
Energy Grants & Housing Support Services
Energy Grants and Payments PDF
North Lanarkshire Council Housing Support Services PDF
Assistive Technology Flat demonstration video
A video about the new Tech Flat, which has a range of assistive technology available.
Assistive Technology Flat demonstration video
Assistive technology catalogue
Lanarkshire Macmillan
Virtual & telephone support service, along with cancer packs service, available for people affected by cancer in Lanarkshire.
"We’re still here for you"
Lanarkshire Macmillan information
Alzheimer Scotland
Alzheimer Scotland is Scotland’s national dementia charity. Their aim is to make sure nobody faces dementia alone. They provide information and support to people who are worried about their memory and for everyone living with dementia and their families.
Alzheimer Scotland - What's Online? PDF
Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Rights PDF
Lanarkshire Mind Matters

Active Outdoors North Lanarkshire
Your guide to parks, green spaces and nature.
A Local Information System for Scotland enabling people to find and share information on resources, services, groups and support in their local communities and online.
For more information visit: https://www.aliss.org/
New online debt system launched

An online form is now available for anyone who needs debt advice. Residents can make a request online, any time that suits day or night.
The form is part of a new system for managing the council's debt advice service and provides a confidential, accessible way to digitally sign required paperwork upload evidence and receive correspondence.
To complete the form, residents must use a MyAccount, which is quick and easy to set up and allows residents to access a number of services including reporting a housing or bin issue, paying Council Tax and booking a special uplift.
For more information visit the debt and advice page: https://www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/benefits-and-money/debt-advice
NHS Lanarkshire - "Practical Tips to help my memory" booklet
If you have a problem with your memory it can have an impact on your ability to do everyday tasks. If you follow helpful habits and routines this may minimise the impact of your memory impairment. This booklet is designed by Occupational Therapists to illustrate some practical strategies that you might find helpful.
Practical Tips to help my memory PDF
What do you want for tea? booklet
Quick and easy recipes to support you to eat well at home.
Aura in North Lanarkshire
Aura is a new service, supporting people affected by domestic abuse across North Lanarkshire.
Your Health
This section provides a range of local services and well-being information for you to find advice or seek further assistance to support your health.
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